For a complete list of academic publications, see my CV.

Plausible Reasoning and Heuristic Methodology in Human Geography: An Investigation of Colorectal Cancer Incidence and Inequalities in Urban Texas, 1999-2019
The University of Texas at Dallas (2023)
This dissertation builds upon George Pólya’s heuristic method of inductive and analogical reasoning to contribute to research methodology in human geography. Plausible reasoning is presented here as a practical methodology that aims to specify the logical relations behind judgments of credibility and to leverage them in heuristic and dialectic fashion to aid in the processes of formulating questions and conjectures, debating the weight of evidence, and clarifying analogies. After Harold Jeffreys, I view plausible reasoning as an epistemological complement to critical realist philosophies of science.

The Making of Florida’s ‘Criminal Class’: Race, Modernity, and the Convict Leasing Program, 1877-1919
Florida Historical Quarterly (2019)
Under the State of Florida’s convict leasing program (1877-1919) approximately 14,000 Floridians and visitors served sentences of hard labor at the pain of the lash. This article, which began as my master’s thesis at UBC, draws on over four decades of reports on the prison system by its administrators in the Florida Department of Agriculture, geographic sentencing data, data on prisoner characteristics, minutes from the Board of Pardons, and additional materials held in the Convict Lease Subject Files in the Florida State Archives, and engages with a number of questions revolving around the inter-connected themes of forced labor, industrial interests, violence, and racial ideology.