Prepares a list of data required for using the SAR model; this is for working with (large) raster data files. For non-raster analysis, see prep_sar_data.

prep_sar_data2(row, col)


Griffith, Daniel A. (2000). Eigenfunction properties and approximations of selected incidence matrices employed in spatial analyses. Linear Algebra and its Applications 321 (1-3): 95-112. doi:10.1016/S0024-3795(00)00031-8 .



Number of rows in the raster


Number of columns in the raster


Prepare data for the SAR model when your raw dataset consists of observations on a regular tessellation, such as a raster layer or remotely sensed imagery. The rook criteria is used to determine adjacency. This function uses Equation 5 from Griffith (2000) to calculate the eigenvalues for a row-standardized spatial weights matrix of a P-by-Q dimension regular tessellation.

This function can accommodate very large numbers of observations for use with stan_sar; for large N data, it is also recommended to use slim = TRUE or the drop argument. For details, see: vignette("raster-regression", package = "geostan").


row = 100
col = 120
sar_dl <- prep_sar_data2(row = row, col = col)