Given a symmetric n x n connectivity matrix, prepare data for intrinsic conditional autoregressive models in Stan. This function may be used for building custom ICAR models in Stan. This is used internally by stan_icar
prep_icar_data(C, scale_factor = NULL)
Besag, Julian, Jeremy York, and Annie Mollié. 1991. “Bayesian Image Restoration, with Two Applications in Spatial Statistics.” Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 43 (1): 1–20.
Donegan, Connor. Flexible Functions for ICAR, BYM, and BYM2 Models in Stan. Code Repository. 2021. Available online: (accessed Sept. 10, 2021).
Freni-Sterrantino, Anna, Massimo Ventrucci, and Håvard Rue. 2018. “A Note on Intrinsic Conditional Autoregressive Models for Disconnected Graphs.” Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 26: 25–34.
Morris, Mitzi, Katherine Wheeler-Martin, Dan Simpson, Stephen J Mooney, Andrew Gelman, and Charles DiMaggio. 2019. “Bayesian Hierarchical Spatial Models: Implementing the Besag York Mollié Model in Stan.” Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Epidemiology 31: 100301.
Riebler, Andrea, Sigrunn H Sørbye, Daniel Simpson, and Håvard Rue. 2016. “An Intuitive Bayesian Spatial Model for Disease Mapping That Accounts for Scaling.” Statistical Methods in Medical Research 25 (4): 1145–65.
Connectivity matrix
Optional vector of scale factors for each connected portion of the graph structure. If not provided by the user it will be fixed to a vector of ones.
list of data to add to Stan data list:
number of groups
number of nodes per group
number of connections between nodes (unique pairs only)
first node
second node. (node1[i]
and node2[i]
form a connected pair)
The element C[node1, node2]
indices for each observation belonging each group, ordered by group.
number of disconnected regions requiring their own intercept.
n-by-m matrix of dummy variables for the component-specific intercepts.
By default, this will be a k-length vector of ones. Placeholder for user-specified information. If user provided scale_factor
, then this will be 1/sqrt(scale_factor)
n-length vector indicating the group membership of each observation.
This is used internally to prepare data for stan_icar
models. It can also be helpful for fitting custom ICAR models outside of geostan